
You are making an important decision by bringing education to the forefront of your life! MVCC's advising staff are here to assist you on your path to your educational goal. Whether you are returning to education after a long break or entering college for the first time, we hope that your time here as a student will be one that will change your life.

Join the over 36,000 alumni who have already achieved their dream and are practicing professionals in their field of choice! 

You are not alone!

Each year, several hundred students over the age of 25 choose to enroll at MVCC. Our students are parents, dislocated workers, veterans, GED recipients, non-native English speakers, senior citizens, and so much more! Within each of us exists the ability to be a student regardless of our age or life circumstance.

Guiding Principles

MVCC encourages prospective and current student success through:

  • Advocacy: A dedicated commitment to the use of creative resources to assist in the transformation and development of the adult learner and to promote the lifelong learning experience
  • Community: Strengthening the bond between students, faculty, and staff to create a sense of identity and belonging
  • Advisement: Instilling trust by providing academically sound recommendations, creating unique action plans, and suggesting possible alternatives to meet students’ aspirations
  • Collaborative Partnerships: With other college offices and community agencies which facilitates innovative programming and services
  • Mentoring: Establishing positive relationships between adult learners with the assistance of the Returning Adult Student Association (RASA)

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely not! While most people associate college with young adults, we have over 1,800 students who are over the age of 25; more than 500 of those students are over age 40. All this equates to one in three students who attend MVCC are over the age of 25!

We understand that past performance does not always predict future outcomes. Most adults who return/begin school at a later date are focused and motivated toward a specific obtainable goal. These factors alone make a world of difference to students’ academic progress. If students find themselves struggling, there are a variety of supports on campus to assist you such as your professors, the Learning Commons, tutors, and advisors.
If you take classes at any college and return to the same institution years later, your GPA remains intact. Your previous GPA may impact your financial aid eligibility; however, there are ways in which to raise your overall GPA and advisors will be happy to discuss this with you.
You are not alone! Math at any age can be a challenge. MVCC’s Learning Commons has a dedicated space called the Math Lab where students can receive extra assistance with their questions. Study groups and both professional and peer tutors are also available to students free of charge through the Learning Commons.
MVCC’s certificate programs allow students to gain valuable knowledge in over 30 specific areas. Certificates help students obtain necessary skills in their desired field of study and prepare them for swift entry/re-entry into the workforce. These concentrated offerings typically do not include general liberal arts and sciences classes unless they are imperative for success.

Those students who wish to obtain a college education may be eligible for financial aid. Financial aid consists of both grants and loans. Grants are those monies allocated to your education that you do not have to pay back. Loans are pools of money that you may qualify for but that you must pay back starting six months after your have either completed your education or stopped attending. Your income taxes are used to determine if you are able to receive any financial assistance. To learn more about financial aid, please refer to the Financial Aid portion of our website.

It should also be noted that scholarships from various places are available for students. There are literally thousands of groups, organizations, and institutions that offer scholarships to students.

Most classes have an attendance policy. Should a situation arise in which you cannot attend class, it’s important for you to notify your instructor as soon as possible. The onus is on you to communicate with them and make up any missed material/coursework. Most instructors are willing to assist you if take responsibility for your education.

While students have the option to attend classes as they see fit, it is considered more academically sound for those students who work full-time to attend school part-time. Having said this, we realize that there is no "one size fits all" solution to education, so we would be happy to discuss your individual needs with you.

The ability exists for students to combine traditional classes with online classes to complete their coursework. As we continue to expand our online offerings, more degrees and certificates will be available to complete through these methods.
Online learning requires students to be self-motivated, have a reliable internet connection, have good time management skills, have the ability to learn independently, read and comprehend course materials, and feel comfortable with internet browsing and general computer skills such as emails, word processing, and attachments. 
Our advisors understand and are here to support you in whatever capacity we can. We can connect you to a myriad of other services on- and off-campus to provide you with whatever support you may need as a student here on campus from academics to personal counseling.
Advisors, Career Services, and faculty are all great resources on campus to help you in your educational goals. If you are unsure what kind of training is right for you, we suggest making an appointment to discuss your plans with us.
Yes, college credit can be earned through life and military experience. Evaluations are done on a case-by-case basis and are initiated by the student after they have been accepted into the College. The individuals who are responsible for evaluating credits will be happy to discuss various options with you.