Community colleges, in particular, have become the champions of a body of students who are diverse not only in terms of race, religion, ethnicity, age, and gender identification, but who are also diverse in their levels of academic preparedness, family and work obligations, disabilities, and political perspectives. Mohawk Valley Community College recognizes and embraces our responsibility not only to serve diverse populations, but to transform lives by teaching and practicing principles of diversity, equity, and accessibility that our students and employees will carry out into the community.  In order to measure and record our progress in these areas, MVCC has created and published the Diversity, Equity & Inclusiveness Plan.

The MVCC Diversity, Equity & Inclusiveness Plan will document already existing successful practices and their impact on the campus climate, provide updates on annual goals as a means for checking our progress, and communicate future goals that demonstrate our commitment to modeling and advancing principles that create an environment where all can feel safe and valued, and where we can learn to celebrate our differences while finding common ground. 

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