Catalyst 2020

Nearly 900 individuals from more than 100 organizations were engaged to inform the external assessment process that shaped the direction of this Strategic Plan. Going beyond the traditional external scan including quantitative analysis of census and department of labor data, the qualitative information gleaned from this extensive outreach provided greater insight into the emerging trends of the region. 

The resulting Strategic Plan was titled MVCC Catalyst 2020 to capture the primary theme from the interviews – that MVCC is perceived to be a catalyst of progress in the community as a key partner with nearly every important initiative in motion. In addition, the Plan is closely aligned with Oneida County’s Vision 2020 community plan, MVCC’s institutional improvement plan (SUNY Excels), and the Power of SUNY system strategic plan. This scaffolding approach links the college community with the region, state, and Middle State standards.

Catalyst Goals and Strategies

Increase Student Completion

  • Increase the fall to fall retention rate.
  • Increase the graduation rate.
  • Increase the student success rate.

Strengthen the Educational Pipeline

  • Strengthen outreach efforts to increase the number of K-12 career and educational opportunities.
  • Strengthen university partnerships to increase the number of bachelor and graduate program partners and students enrolled in completer programs.
  • Strengthen transfer success by increasing the percentage of A.A. and A.S. graduates, who transfer to a four-year institution.

Advance Diversity and Inclusiveness

  • Advance faculty and staff recruitment to reflect the diversity evident in the MVCC student population.
  • Advance student recruitment, offerings, and services to support and increase the number of adult students (25 years or older) enrolled at the College.
  • Advance the understanding of universal design by integrating UDL standards into 18 gateway course toolkits.

Expand Applied Learning

  • Expand the number of students completing internships and service learning experiences.
  • Expand the number of sites for internships and service learning.

Develop the Workforce and Community

  • Develop or redevelop programs (five credit and seven noncredit) annually to meet community needs.
  • Develop eight community partnerships annually with educational impact.

Catalyst Annual Plans