Guided Pathways Workgroups and Teams

Guided Pathways is an opportunity for MVCC to set our own goals and determine our best path to success. The process of becoming a Guided Pathways institution requires college-wide efforts and cross-functional collaboration from all College staff, faculty and leadership to share, engage, and discuss the unique planning and resource needs at MVCC. 

Guided Pathways Workgroups were formed last year to research best practices and develop recommendations on how we at MVCC can improve the overall student experience while increasing completion rates by providing an ethical and equitable path for all of our students. Those recommendations were vetted and organized, then divided among implementation teams made up of MVCC faculty and staff to plan and execute.

The Guided Pathways Steering Council coordinates these efforts, supports Workgroup recommendations and Implementation Team process, and communicates to the College community about the progress of Guided Pathways work at the College.

The workgroups are listed below, along with their charters and recommendations. The implementation teams also are listed here.


Implementation Teams

Click on the links below to learn more about the Guided Pathways implementation teams and their associated recommendations:

Intake and Onboarding Implementation Teams: