
The purpose of the Career Appointments Committee is to review all requests and nominations for career appointments and to make recommendations to the appropriate administrator.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  •  Kenny Morrison, Career Appointment, Chair
  • Kelly McNamara, Career Appointment
  • Monica Brown-Hodkinson, Career Appointment
  • Vincent Pellezzi, Career Appointment
  • Sandy Cummings, Career Appointment


  • Review all requests for nominations for career appointments
  • Make recommendations to the appropriate administrator

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission front and center.
  • Be open minded and fair to all.
  • Think about what is best for students.
  • Think about what is best for institution.
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.