
The purpose of the Sabbatical Leave Committee is to review all sabbatical leave requests not guided by negotiated contracts (i.e. AMVA, PA) and make recommendations in rank order to the VPLAA, who will then take them to the President’s Cabinet.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Sean Davis, Faculty - Chair
  • Frank Noti, Faculty
  • Michael Sisti, Faculty
  • Eileen Bush, Faculty
  • Steffani DiPierro, Student Affairs


  • Establish an evaluation rubric to review requests based on researched best practices
  • It should be determined each year by the Committee if the rubric would be beneficial in making recommendations
  • Recommend rubric for Cabinet approval
  • Review and evaluate all sabbatical leave requests and evaluate them according to approved guidelines
  • Annually report to the Senate the activities of the committee including actions taken

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission in mind. The emphasis should be on the student experience, as well as any impact on the community with regard to expansion of programs.
  • Consider all nominations with regard to inclusivity.
  • The stronger the nomination process, the stronger the impact of the award.
  • The Committee should understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.