
The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to make recommendations that enhance the physical environment and serve as the primary source for faculty and staff input in considering College facilities needs.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Eileen Bush, Faculty - Chair
  • Rachel Libby, Non-teaching professional
  • Barb Seaton, Rome Campus
  • Vincent Pellizzi, Non-teaching
  • Karen Dean, Classified Staff
  • Lori Hughes, Faculty
  • Mike McHarris, Director of Facilities and Operations
  • Tamara Mariotti, Coordinator of Accessability Resources
  • Thomas Squires, VP of Administrative Services or Designee
  • James Garrison, Student Representative


  • Communicate with Cabinet representatives to identify and review facility improvement projects
  • Serve as the primary faculty/staff group at the College review and provide input on the implementation of the College’s Master Plan
  • Provide input and recommendations to College administration regarding the development and implementation of standards associated with the College Master Plan (e.g., classroom furniture)
  • In addition to an annual written report, make periodic updates and recommendations to the College Senate

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Determine policy
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center.
  • Consider the student experience and perspective first in all activities.
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.
  • Maintain awareness of and adhere to ADA requirements.