
The purpose of the Promotions Review Committee for Faculty is to review all requests for promotion by faculty forwarded to the Committee by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs and to make recommendations for promotion at the College.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Shahida Dar, Rank of Professor
  • Kyle Lince, Rank of Professor
  • Brian Judycki, Rank of Professor, Chair
  • Louise Charbonneau, Rank of Professor
  • Robert Huyck, Rank of Professor
  • Aaron Fried, Rank of Preofessor
  • Jerome Lalonde, Rank of Professor


  • Review and discuss promotion packets
  • Recommend candidates for promotion
  • Record recommendations on Promotion Packet Form
  • Report of a general nature to the College Senate at least once a year and provide feedback and suggestions, as needed, on the promotion process

Does Not

  • Make final decisions
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission front and center.
  • Be creative and think big.
  • Think about what’s best for students.
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.