
The purpose of the Continuing Appointments for Faculty Committee is to rigorously review those candidates who are eligible for continuing appointment at the College and make recommendations to the appropriate parties.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

College Senate Chair


  • Erica Brindisi, Continuing Appointment, Chair
  • Gary Kulis, Continuing Appointment
  • Christine VanNamee, Continuing Appointment
  • Frank Noti, Continuing Appointment
  • Jennifer Krohn, Continuing Appointment


  • Research college work contributions on all continuing appointment candidates.
  • Identify candidate strengths and weaknesses, if any
  • List professional contributions for each candidate and relate to College/center goals.
  • Evaluate each candidate based on past contributions (self-reports) and supervisor recommendations.
  • Review, evaluate, and recommend/disapprove based on findings.
  • Make recommendations to the VPLAA based on determined points accumulated via committee developed rubric. Communicate findings to VPLAA.

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission front and center.
  • Be fair to each candidate regardless of personal experiences or attitudes.
  • Evaluate each candidate based on supervisors’ recommendations and quality of self report contributions. 
  • Recognize that each candidate may endeavor to persevere in their own path. Seek to understand their true intentions.