Purpose: To facilitate the process for developing the college’s Annual Plan with priorities
to guide department and individual planning and resource allocation.
Charter Sponsor: President
Timeline: Standing, Established 2023
Academic Administrator appointed by the Vice President for Learning & Academic Affairs:
Tim Thomas, Chair
Student Affairs Administrator appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs:
Jim Maio, Co-Chair
Administrative Services appointed by the Vice President for Administrative Services:
Brandy Gray
At Large appointed by the President: Jill Heintz
Faculty At Large elected: Shahida Dar
Faculty At Large elected: Stacey Day
Staff elected: Mike Adamo
Staff elected: Katie DiCastro
Executive Director of Info. Tech. (Standing): Mary Jane Parry
Controller (Standing): Julianne Cardone
VP Administrative Services (Standing): Tom Squires
VP Academic Affairs (Standing): Lew Kahler
VP Student Affairs (Standing): TBA
President (Standing): Dr. Randall VanWagoner
Does (Authority)
- Annually revisit the vision, mission, and strategic goals and recommend adjustments to Cabinet (Revisit and Recommend)
- Serve as stewards of the process for identifying annual college priorities to guide divisional, departmental, and individual planning (Recommend priorities)
- Engage faculty, staff and students in the planning process as necessary (Engage the College)
- Ensure that appropriate communication processes are in place to keep the internal community informed of progress (Communicate)
- Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to link planning, budgeting, and assessment and report successes annually (Link and Report)
Does NOT
- Develop divisional or departmental plans, or identify tactics
- Develop curriculum or design programs
- Discuss personnel and contractual matters
Guiding Points
- Clarify a meaningful development timeline with cadence of deadlines
- Facilitate a process that creates an interactive space for inter-divisional collaboration and sharing of departmental and divisional priorities to consider for college-wide objectives.
- Define and communicate useful definition of planning terms to guide college, divisional, departmental, and individual planning.
- Incorporate HawkVision recommendations into annual planning processes.
Established March 2023