
Guided Pathways is a redesign of the student experience to include clarifying educational pathways that supports early decision making about educational and career goals to help students get on a path, stay on that path, and ensure that they are learning what they need in order to succeed. The Guided Pathways Steering Committee coordinates Guided Pathways efforts, supports Workgroup recommendations and Implementation Team process, and communicates to the College community about the progress of Guided Pathways work at the College.

Charter Sponsor


Charter Contact

Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs




  • Academic Affairs Administration (2022): Tim Thomas
  • Academic Affairs Administration (2023): Jim Lynch
  • Student Affairs Administration (2022): Jennifer DeWeerth
  • Student Affairs Administration (2023): Jim Maio
  • Student Affairs at-large (2022): Dennis Gibbons
  • Administrative Affairs (2022): MJ Parry
  • Administrative Affairs (2023): Marie Miknavich
  • Student Affairs Professional Staff (2022): Liz Doherty
  • Student Affairs Professional Staff (2023): Patti Antanavige
  • College Senate Representative (2023): Alex Haines-Stephan
  • Faculty Caucus Representative (2022): Christine Miller
  • Faculty At Large (2023): Shannon Crocker
  • Faculty At Large (2022): Aaron Fried
  • President's Office (2023): Alen Smajic


Task Action
Apply the Guiding Principles on Designing Systems at MVCC to all processes completed under all Guided Pathways activity. Apply
Develop and revise a process, progress, and implementation timeline. Develop, Revise
Establish charter and facilitate Guided Pathways Workgroup process and progress within and between Workgroups Develop, Facilitate, Communicate
Review workgroup recommendation submissions and report to the Vice Presidents Review, Report
Establish charter and facilitate Guided Pathways Implementation Team process and progress within and between Implementation Teams. Develop, Facilitate, Communicate
Work with Guided Pathways Implementation Teams to develop evaluation process and measures for implemented projects. Develop, Faciliate, Communicate
Communicate the progress of Guided Pathways work to the college community. Communicate
Communicate and facilitate discussions of Guided Pathways progress within representative's area Communicate


Does Not

  • Decide personnel issues
  • Limit ideas based on financial considerations

Guiding Points

  • Respect the work that has occurred so far
  • Utilize data-informed decision making
  • Maintain a mindset of abundance
  • Cultivate a culture of inquiry
  • Be inclusive with process and discovery through "a seek to understand" mindset
  • Focus on equity

Guiding Principles of Designing Systems at MVCC

  • Focus on creating a student-ready college, not on attracting college-ready students.
  • As we work toward creating systems for students, focus on a single point of contact.
  • Create a "Home" for students.
  • Desgin to scale.
  • Think in systems but define in roles.

Updated September 2021