Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the  College Calendar Workgroup is to research and recommend a College calendar to be implemented for 2021-2022 – 2025-2026 (five years), and to ensure that the next cycle of calendar preparation is begun during the fourth year of each five-year cycle to guarantee continuity of planning and implementation.    

Charter Sponsor: President's Cabinet

Charter Contact: Vice Presidents for Learning and Academic Affairs and Student Affairs

Timeline: Ongoing


Core Group

1. Director of Records and Registration (Chair)

2. Faculty Caucus Representative

3. Director, Financial Aid

4. Bursar

5. Dean, Athletics

6. Dean, Curriculum and Assessment

Secondary Stakeholders

1. Assistant VPs - Academic Affairs

2. Deans, Student Affairs

3. College Senate Representative 

4. Faculty Caucus Representative (different from above)

5. Residence Life Representative

6. Director, Holistic Student Support


Task Action
Research all competing priorities and inclusion needs for the calendars Research
Synthesize research findings Synthesize
Develop preliminary recommendations and solicit feedback from Secondary Stakeholders Develop recommendations and solicit feedback.
Refine calendar based on feedback received allocating sufficient time to incorporate said feedback. Plan for timing and refinement
Present calendar to relevant College groups (e.g. Senate, Faculty Caucus) Present
Make final recommendations to Charter Sponsor. Recommend



Compromise institutional enrollment reporting requirements  or State standards


  • Account for ajar period variables between fall and spring semesters to ensure enough processing time for College procedures.
  • Plan for sufficient time to seek out and incorporate feedback.
  • Consider other areas not already accounted for where feedback may be necessary to ensure an inclusive and communicative process.
  • Consider the impact of the College calendar on the success of students.