
The purpose of the Wellness Council is to develop, coordinate, and publicize activities and resources designed to provide College employees with a comprehensive array of opportunities that support all aspects of well-being.

Charter Sponsor


Charter Contact

College President



Membership (three-year terms for Non-Standing appointments)

  • Executive Director of Organizational Culture & Wellness Ex Officio (Standing) Chair: Jill Heintz
  • Member of Institutional Advancement appointed by the President (Standing): Deanna Ferro-Aurience 
  • Member of the Office of Marketing and Communications appointed by the President (Standing): Jennifer Fanelli 
  • Member of CCED appointed by the Dean of Rome Campus (Standing): Teresa Fava-Schram 
  • Member of Athletics appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing): Kelly McNamara 
  • Member of the Health Center appointed by Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): Nicole Bruzzese 
  • Member of Human Resources appointed by Human Resources (Standing): Gail Warchol
  • AFS Staff Member, Health Benefits Broker appointed by Human Resources (Standing): Marlene D'Accurzio Anderson
  • Excellus Staff Member, Health Benefits Broker appointed by Human Resources (Standing): Pat Salzer
  • County Health Benefits appointed by Human Resources (Standing): County Health Benefits Representative
  • Faculty At Large elected (2027): Lorin Williams
  • Faculty At Large elected (2026): Shannon Crocker
  • Staff At Large elected (2026): Lisa Flo
  • Staff At Large elected (2027): Rachel Golden


Task Action
Coordinate and provide activities and resources for employees’ physical well-being Coordinate  and provide
Coordinate and provide activities and resources for employees’ career well-being Coordinate and provide
Coordinate and provide activities and resources for employees’ financial well-being Coordinate and provide
Coordinate and provide activities and resources for employees’ social well-being Coordinate and provide
Coordinate and provide activities and resources for employees’ community well-being Coordinate and provide

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Determine policy
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Consider recommendations from 2015 Core Workshop on well-being.
  • College Core Values:
    • Model the way
    • Encourage excellence
    • Inspire confidence
    • Embrace community


Updated September 2021