
The purpose of the Diversity Council is to develop and coordinate organizational efforts designed to increase diversity, inclusiveness, and equity at the College.

Charter Sponsor


Charter Contact

Randy VanWagoner, President



Membership (length of term for members, if applicable)

  • President's Office Representative appointed by the President (Standing): Jill Heintz 
  • Executive Director of Equity & Inclusion appointed by the President (Standing): Todd Marshall (Chair)
  • Member of Human Resources appointed by the President (Standing): Stephanie Bush
  • Representative of LBGTQ+ Workgroup appointed by the President (2026): Erin Severs
  • Member of Learning and Academic Affairs appointed by Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2026): Dina Radeljas
  • Member of Learning Academic Affairs appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2025): Katey Cordary
  • Member of Student Affairs appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (2025): Salina Billins
  • Member of Administrative Services appointed by the Vice President of Administrative Services (2022): Amir Harbas
  • Faculty At Large elected (2025): Melissa Barlett
  • Faculty At Large elected (2025): Roman Santos
  • Faculty At Large elected (2026): Shahida Dar
  • Faculty At Large elected (2026): Sam McManus
  • Staff At Large elected (2025): Bedour Soliman
  • Staff At Large elected (2026): Tamara Mariotti
  • Student Representative appointed by the Student Congress (2024): Danny Valentine


Task Action
Review data regarding recruitment, hiring, and retention of a diverse and inclusive workforce  Make recommendations for improvement
Review data regarding recruitment, retention, and success of a diverse student population.  Make recommendations for improvement
Review organizational performance regarding the development and nurturing of an equitable and inclusive environment for employees and students.  Monitor, evaluate, and make recommendations for improvement
Review the institutional Diversity Plan annually and make recommendations for changes and/or additions.  Review and make recommendations for improvement
 Coordinate and provide activities and resources as necessary to advance the mission of the College and the Diversity Plan.  Coordinate and provide
Actively engage in communications to promote and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at MVCC. Communicate


Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

Updated July 2023