
To foster a sense of unity and belonging by promoting community activities that provide visibility and meaningful contribution of participants on behalf of the College.

Charter Sponsor

President’s Cabinet

Charter Contact


Membership (length of term for members, if applicable)

  • Academic Affairs (5/31/20): Gail Warchol, Co-Chair
  • Student Affairs (5/31/20): Liz DiRaimo, Co-Chair
  • Student Activities (Standing): De’Anna Hopkinson
  • TRIO Programs (Standing): Rhona Patterson
  • Professional Association Outreach (Standing): Jed Kimball
  • Rome Representative (5/31/19): Kathy Kotary
  • PTK Representative (5/31/19): Steve Frisbee
  • At-Large (5/31/21): Claire Rudka
  • At-Large (5/31/21): Mike Henningsen


Task Action
Identify events to coordinate and/or support Identify
Identify an annual calendar of events for Team MVCC to promote faculty and staff participation Recommend to Cabinet
Develop budget to provide incentives for planned events Recommend to Cabinet
Promote Team MVCC events throughout the year Promote
Coordinate registrations as necessary per event Coordinate
Coordinate logistics for transportation and communications for the day of each event Coordinate
Complete an annual summary of activity Inform Cabinet

Does Not

  • Do anything that works against creating a sense of belonging and unity within the College

Guiding Points

  • Consider all MVCC constituents (faculty, staff, students, and retirees).
  • Get as creative as possible with your promotions.
  • Keep a sense of belonging in the forefront of your work.