
The purpose of the Crisis Response Team is to develop and coordinate the implementation of the College’s Crisis Management Plan.

Charter Sponsor

President’s Cabinet

Charter Contact

College President



Membership (length of term for members, if applicable)

  • Director of Public Safety, Chair (Standing)
  • Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing)
  • Vice President for Administrative Services (Standing)
  • Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (Standing)
  • Dean of Rome Campus (Standing)
  • Executive Director of Marketing and Communications (Standing) 
  • Executive Director of Information Technology (Standing)
  • Director of Facilities (Standing)
  • President (Standing)


  • Research best practices related to crisis management
  • Regularly review the Crisis Management Plan and updates components as necessary
  • Conduct tabletop exercises to practice various crisis management procedures
  • Facilitate communication with local law enforcement agencies and other schools and colleges regarding emergency procedures
  • Develop and implement a schedule to test emergency procedures
  • Develop and implement appropriate professional development opportunities related to crisis management for faculty and staff

Does Not

  • Take situations lightly
  • Work in isolation

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center.
  • Help the College prepare for the unexpected.
  • Imagine the unimaginable.
  • Coordinate with other agencies and institutions as necessary.