Classroom Information

Is there any technology in the classroom that you are teaching in?
• Utica campus classroom technology information
 Rome campus classroom technology information

If you need technology but were not scheduled in a room with technology:

•    Contact VPLAA Office, Rachel Libby, to see if your room can be changed
•    OR book equipment through Information Technology Department that can be delivered to you

Book equipment for Utica and Rome campus classroom


The SmartBoard software can be downloaded through the Smart website by clicking on the SmartBoards link.

The product key for the software installation is provided by the Educational Technology office.

SmartBoard training materials are available for downloading:
• SmartBoard training materials - part 1
• SmartBoard training materials - part 2


 Brightspace is the Online Course Management system that is used at MVCC.

New to Brightspace? It's a good idea for faculty members as well as students to check out the MVOnline website to determine if teaching / learning online is really for you.

Want to start teaching online?  If you are interested in teaching online, contact Educational Technology for your initial training.

Interested in developing a course in Brightspace?  You will need to complete a MVCC Development form.