Judicial Affairs

When a student wishes to file a complaint regarding a violation of the Code of Conduct or a Residence Hall Rule or Regulation, they may contact any of the following:

  • Public Safety Department: Utica Campus - Academic Building Room 106 or Rome Campuss - Plumley Complex Room 118.  Public Safety can assist  you with filing a criminal or civil complaint.
  • A Professional Staff Member  in Residence Life (Resident Director, Assistant Director of Residence Life or the Dean of Student Life):  Any of these individuals can provide you wih a Complaint Form that you may complete and submit.
  • The Office of Judicial Affairs & Community Standards: This office can also provide you with a Complaint Form that you may complete and submit.

Safety related matters should be reported to Public Safety.  A Complaint is considered "submitted" when either a Public Safety Complaint is signed by the complainant or when a student submits the electronic complaint form referenced above.  Communicating a concern to any office is not considered an "official complaint."

When an incident report or complaint is submitted,  the Office of Judicial Affairs & Community Standards or Public Safety will receive that report, as appropriate. The report will be reviewed for potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Life Rules and Regulations.  If violations are identified, due process will begin.  A Conduct Officer will schedule a meeting with all appropriate parties based on class schedules to investigate the incident.  Through investigative meetings, the Conduct Officer will determine an outcome of either Responsible or Not Responsible based on our judicial standard of "more likely than not."  If a person is  found responsible for violating any section of the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Life Rules and Regulations, they may be sanctionsed in accordance with the Student Handbook and will be required to complete the sanction.  More information about sanctions can be found in the MVCC Student Handbook.

If you do not attend a meeting at any point through the Judicial Proceedings, the proceeding will continue and a decision on your case will be made without the benefit of your input. If you know you will not be able to attend a meeting, please contact the Conduct Officer as soon as possible to reschedule. Please note that rescheduling is at the discretion of your Conduct Officer.

When a student is found to be "responsible" for a Student Code of Conduct violation or Residence Hall Rule or Regulation, the Conduct Officer may impose disciplinary sanction that is consistent with the impact of the offense on the College community. Progressive discipline principles will be followed in that the student's prior discipline history will be taken into account. Please refer to the Student Handbook for a list of judicial sanctions.

If you were sanctioned for violations of the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Hall Rules or Regulations, you are eligible to request an appeal if you meet the required criteria. The Non-Academic Appeal Committee will determine whether or not you are granted an appeal hearing. 

After you meet with your Conduct Officer, you will be sent a formal outcome letter via email. This letter will include whether or not you were found responsible for any violations and specific information on your sanctions, including your deadlines and any other information you will need to complete an imposed sanction. It is your responsibility to complete your sanctions by the given deadline. If you lose your letter or forget your requirements, you must contact your Conduct Officer or Judicial Affairs & Community Standards to retrieve that information. 

If you do not complete an assigned judicial sanction, you will be subject to further judicial sanctions. These may include being reassigned the original sanction as well as additional sanctions. If you think you are going to have trouble completing your sanctions by your assigned deadline, please contact your hearing officer as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

Judicial probation is a formal written notice that a student is in poor judicial standing with the College.  There are three types: Alcohol and Drug, Safety and Comprehensive. Students who are on or have been on probation may receive greater judicial sanctions if they have further violations of the MVCC Student Code of Conduct or the Residence Halls Rules and Regulations. Judicial probation could also result in a loss of privileges within the College community, including consideration of eligibility for an MVCC study abroad program or events sponsored by Student Engagement. In addition, judicial probation may affect your eligibility to hold leadership roles in various organizations (Student Congress, Residence Life, etc.).

The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) limits parent and guardian notification unless required for alcohol and drug violations or if the student has submitted a release. The College reserves the right to communicate with parents and guardians of dependent students.  If you have submitted a Residence Hall Release or a Student Release with the Office of Records and Registration, your parent/guardian will be notified as per that release.

As per the 14th Amendment, all students have the right to due process. Due process means that each student has the right to notice regarding their case and the right to a fair hearing.
Judicial records are kept until you graduate or for six years after your separation from the College, unless statute requirements require an extended retention. Expulsions are maintained indefinitely.
The Office of Judicial Affairs & Community Standards.  This is located in the Alumni College Center Room 208 or by telephone at 315-792-5688.