Counseling Services

Utica Campus - Alumni College Center 104
Rome Campus - Plumley Complex 102

Attending college can present significant challenges for every student.  These challenges are unique to each individual student and may often involve personal, academic, or even career related concerns.  Counselors are available to assist students with the many challenges associated the adjustment to college and focus on helping students overcome their challenges to achieving personal growth and success as a part of their educational experience. The MVCC Counseling Center is staffed with two full-time licensed practitioners that are available to assist students with many personal issues including mental health concerns and short-term counseling, free of charge. Our counselors are vigilant about maintaining strict standards of confidentiality, as it is very important that all students are comfortable disclosing personal circumstances. The counseling staff is also able to facilitate referrals to appropriate community agencies when necessary.  Counseling services are available on both the Utica and the Rome campuses, as well as virtually.

There are many reasons that a student may seek counseling such as:

  • Family or other relationship problems
  • Coping with grief and loss
  • Managing Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Domestic violence or sexual assault
  • Addictions
  • Anger management
  • Sexual concerns
  • Procrastination or other self-defeating behaviors
  • Issues with eating behavior and/or body image
  • Gender/sexual identity