Marilyn Petrie

Singer. Authentic. Sincere.

Marilyn is graduating MVCC in May 2021 with a Human Services degree.

“I love the Rome Campus. It’s a lot of fun; there are many student support events and I enjoy meeting new people.

What are your career plans?

“I plan to get a Master’s degree in social work and use it to help foster children. I live with 12 children at my parent’s home. Some are adopted, some are fostered, and some are biological. I’m the oldest of the adopted kids, and my mom who adopted me and my brothers and sisters was my inspiration for my future career.

What career skills are you learning at MVCC?

“I’m learning how to best interact with kids and understand them as I study how a child’s brain works and how very different it is from an adult’s brain. My psychology classes are some of the most helpful for me, and I enjoy the writing and reading in my English classes.

Christopher Cook is a Humanities professor who has been one of Marilyn’s most influential instructors.

“My teacher, Mr. Cook, helps me understand the material and make connections in our reading and writing. He’s a really good teacher. It’s cool to learn new skills and information this semester that I can add to the knowledge I gained from last semester.

What’s your favorite part about coming to school here?

"The classes are easy to understand and I love learning and making new friends. At MVCC, I see people from high school and I enjoy catching up with them. I also enjoy getting to know the professors and how they teach; college classes are far different from high school.

"I enrolled at the Rome Campus because I wanted to stay local so I could help my mom with the kids and keep in touch with my friends. I’m going to complete the Human Services degree in Rome if I can."

What insight or skill that you learned at MVCC will be valuable for your career?

"Better communication skills. I used to have social anxiety, but now it is much improved since I started coming here. I gained the confidence to walk up to people and talk to them, to get to know them and become friends with them. My classes have helped me to focus on not worrying about what people think or say and just going with the flow of things and being myself."

Would you recommend attending college at the Rome Campus?

"Yes. They have a lot of great events here. All the admins and the professors are a huge help and they will help point you in the direction you want to go in for a career."

Arica Rudd

Dedicated. Compassionate. Supporter.

Arica Rudd’s journey to MVCC has been full of plot twists, but her perseverance is paying off and she expects to graduate with a Human Services degree in the fall of 2021.

“At MVCC’s Rome Campus, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to grow and to learn and to change. This is exactly where I’m meant to be, and I just love it here.”

How is the Human Services program preparing you for the future?

“I’m learning communication skills and am getting to know people and learning about how they interact. I want to be part of a change, and an Associate’s will give me more opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.”

Arica’s compassionate nature and commitment to helping people earned her a paid job on the Rome Campus as Rome Student Activities Event Coordinator.

“RSA is my love. That’s my career right now – looking at the students as my family and seeing what they need. I just want to help people, and finishing my degree at the Rome Campus and working as the RSA event coordinator gives me the chance in meeting other people’s needs.

“All I need to do is listen, to be compassionate, to be understanding of myself and the people around me. I learned that from here. Everything I was afraid to do I’m doing now and I’m learning and growing and preparing for my career.”

What do you like about the Rome Campus?

“Being a Rome Campus student gives me the opportunity to interact with students from so many backgrounds. I love working with the people here, from young professionals up to older ones. The Rome Campus faculty and staff is always willing to help us out, and many of the professors are warm and welcoming. It feels very inclusive on the Rome Campus, and I feel like that’s an effort people make here. I always feel welcome.

“There are so many great professors here, including Dr. Russell, who is amazing and creates engaging class periods that I love. He helped me develop a talent for looking at situations with different perspectives that may shed light on a problem.”

The Plumley Complex on the Rome Campus houses the classes and the student support services under one roof.

“You can literally walk down the hall and ask someone for help. It’s amazing! Other colleges are not just so personal.”

Why did you choose to return to school?

“I worked in retail for 15 years, and I was lost. My kids made me decide to come back. It’s easy to tell your children that education is important, but I had to prove to myself and my kids that a college degree is obtainable. My 19-year break from college was a big gap, but it’s never too late to go back to school. Now that I’m at MVCC, there’s a whole new world to explore, and just the joy of being here spreads.”

As a returning adult, how are you going to feel graduating college?

“It’s going to feel great to finish and be there with my parents and know that I’ve made their dreams come true, too. It’s going to mean a lot to myself, my parents and my children. I also know my time at college is ending soon, and I’m going to miss it. But I’m living in the moment, because I know that this moment is never going to happen again.”

Teresa Glasso

Listener. Empathetic. Driven.

“I love coming to the Rome Campus because it’s nearby my house and it feels homey. The people here are really nice and they make you feel welcome.”

Teresa Glasso is a student in the Human Services program, and she is completing her degree on the Rome Campus.

What do you want to do for your future career?

“Two years ago, I experienced one of those epiphany moments when I knew what I wanted to do with my life – become a social worker in Child Protective Services. I grew up around kids, and I wanted to spend my career helping them.

“Many children have a lot of negative experiences to deal with every day. These kids are our future. The only way they can have a bright future in front of them is if they are protected in a safe environment, and surrounded by people who will support them and listen to them. That’s what I want to do – and to be -- in my career; I want to be the person who makes a difference in the lives of children.”

What is your favorite part about your program?

“My favorite part about it would be the real-life learning because that helps you develop skills. If a friend comes to me with a problem, I know how to handle it better because of what I’ve learned about interpersonal communication at MVCC.

“I really enjoy my psychology teacher, Justin Crossman, who is very fun and he makes learning enjoyable. I have taken all my classes on the Rome Campus so far, and I want to complete my entire degree on this campus.”

What career skills are you learning here?

“My classes are teaching me how to interact with and help people. Some skills I am learning include group counseling and chemical dependence, forming and leading a group, and interacting with different personalities within a group. My first human services class helped me understand how to deal with many people from different backgrounds.”

Would you recommend enrolling in the Human Services major to your peers?

“Yes. I think it’s a really good program, and the people here who teach are very nice and very understanding and they help you learn the skills you need for your job.”

Sherry Hilborn

Mother. Thinker. Extrovert.

Sherry is in pursuit of a dream career – from experienced photographer to aspiring culinary instructor. She will be graduating the Culinary Arts Management program with a Baking emphasis in spring 2021.

“As a returning adult, I was surprised at how welcome I felt continuing my education at MVCC. The student support at MVCC’s Rome Campus is phenomenal.”

What do you like best about MVCC’s Culinary Arts program?

“I most enjoy the professors and the students in this program. My professors are very supportive. I have two kids with cancer, and my professors will fully support my absence from classes as needed because they understand my situation. I have missed very few classes, but I know their support is there.”

How is this program preparing you for the future?

“The most valuable part of this program is the way you are taught. The professors guide you when you show an interest in teaching, culinary arts, or other careers. They give us real-life decisions we’d have to make in restaurants, bakeries or in colleges or schools as a culinary instructor. Our professors then help us navigate through those tough scenarios to empower us to make the correct judgement call when we face these tough situations during our careers.”

One of the culinary arts professors that has been a part of shaping Sherry’s future is Andrew Glidden, Professor of Hospitality Management.

“Mr. Glidden isn’t just informative on the positives of being employed in the culinary field; he also prepares us for the difficult aspects of working in the industry. I’m really enjoying his instruction and it’s going to be sad when he retires.”

Sherry also has a work study position in the campus kitchens as a lab assistant.

“The skills taught in this program are very technical, but it is very enjoyable to be learning new things. I was a photographer for 35 years and it was time to move to a new career.”

What is your dream career?

“I also have a passion for baking but coming here guided my next steps and I decided to become a culinary teacher. My professors at MVCC influenced that decision because I saw their passions for the field, and Mr. Glidden and Mr. Hoffman especially have been an inspiration to me.”

Sherry plans to transfer to Morrisville to earn her teaching certifications.

Would you recommend MVCC’s Culinary Arts program?

“Absolutely. This is a very welcoming program and well-taught. The teachers truly care about you, and they pass their knowledge and experience to you. Ultimately, you get introduced to the real world here in MVCC’s culinary program.”

Jessica Flint

Self-Starter. Traveler. Funny.

Jessica’s educational journey took her from equine management to surgical technology, and now she is graduating the program as a certified technician in August 2020.

“I love MVCC’s surgical technology program. It’s a very upbeat atmosphere, and there is never a boring moment!”

What is your experience with the Surgical Technology program?

“I love the program; I love that it’s a good foundation to multiple branches in the health field. You get to see what’s happening behind-the-scenes of surgeries! The teachers are great and are excellent at preparing students for the field. When we talk to students in similar programs at different colleges and compare our surgical technology skills, MVCC’s program always comes out on top. This program prepares us for success in the surgical technology field.”

What are your career plans?

“I want to work at St. Joseph’s or Crouse Hospital and eventually become a physician’s assistant (PA). I’ve talked to PA teachers and students I feel very educated going on, and this program is preparing me to take that step.

“MVCC’s surgical technology program is known for the variety of good-paying employment opportunities that open for graduates. A background in surgical technology has such a good foundation that sets you up to climb the ladder and to pursue whatever career you want in the health field.”

Why did you choose MVCC?

“I originally went to Morrisville for an Equine Science & Management degree so that I could train horses, but then I hurt my back. I had to reevaluate my future career and I went through a couple of different options before I decided to go back to school.”

Jessica’s future in the health industry started to take shape.

“I was interested in the health field, and I went to MVCC because it was local. I started getting all my prerequisites for nursing, but I liked the surgery atmosphere, so I switched to surgical technology. I was excited that I could become a certified surgical technician in just nine months. My career change from equine management to surgical technology was quite the journey.”

MVCC’s Surgical Technology program is based on the Rome Campus.

“I love the Rome Campus. I love its location so close to my home in Marcy and I am loving the updates to the building. The Rome Campus is very relaxed and has a very calm atmosphere.”

What’s your favorite part about the program?

“I love how easy the teachers are to get along with; they make the program. They are very down to earth and create a welcoming atmosphere that makes you want to keep coming back and learning more. They teach very well.

“I also like that it’s a nine-month program, and I’m learning skills and knowledge that interest me.”

What does a typical surgery prep time involve in the Surgical Technology program?

“We walk in the Surgical Technology lab and start the day by picking a surgery to prepare from the board. We go into the surgery room (the surgical technology lab) and the “patient” is wheeled in and an anesthesiologist intubates the patient. The nurse and surgical technician work together to prep and situate the patient. The surgeon will come in and we will get the patient scrubbed and draped and the instruments laid out. After the surgery, we move all the equipment and supplies away, take the drapes off, put the dressings on and prepare the patient for recovery. We work very close to the surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists.

“Whatever we are working on, the atmosphere remains calm and relaxed.” 

Cortney Lamb

Personable. Creative. Considerate.

Cortney Lamb has a variety of interests and wanted to find a niche where she could excel in her talents and express her unique creativity. Cortney found that niche at MVCC.

“Rome MVCC has given me a purpose in life when I was lacking one and I definitely think that others could find the same thing here,” she said.

Cortney chose to study business at MVCC, and is graduating in December 2020 with a Business Administration degree.

What’s your favorite part about being a student at the MVCC Rome Campus?

“I really appreciate the community here at Rome MVCC,” she said. “It doesn't matter if I am buying books at the bookstore, getting help from tutors or just working with faculty and staff – I always feel like an individual and never feel unwelcome.”

Cortney said the MVCC Rome Campus feels like “family.”

“I feel like every win I achieve is a win for everybody because of all the support I have received from both faculty and staff among the Rome campus. It’s helped keep me stay committed when I have reached hard spots because I always have someone to turn to for help. I feel like other people want to see me achieve and it’s given me accountability.”

Recently, Cortney participated in an entrepreneur competition in which she pitched a business idea to a panel of judges in the form of a short YouTube video. Cortney was excited to place second, and she said the award will be a resume-booster.

Why did you choose MVCC?

 “I thought I couldn’t afford college, but MVCC made it available to me. I don’t think I would have been able to earn a college education if I had to pay out of pocket, and the financial aid and scholarship opportunities for me here made the difference.”

How is attending school at MVCC preparing you for the future?

“It’s been a ride, but going to MVCC has definitely been the reason for positive changes in my life. I moved to Rome to have a shorter commute to school, and I was offered a work study position in Student Services. I am earning a paycheck and work experience to develop my career skills while attending college. The application process moved along very, very smoothly and I was able to start college just one month after I applied.”

Would you recommend MVCC to another student?

“Absolutely. Each one of the faculty members is really nice, they present opportunities to us as students. People here seem to love helping others, and the world needs more of that.”

Kat Crossman

Curiosity, Adventurer, Purposeful.

Kat is currently employed as a marketing coordinator and is graduating MVCC with an Individual Studies degree in May 2021.

“The Rome campus is a fantastic place to learn… it’s so warm and welcoming.”

Why did you decide to come to MVCC?

“MVCC was my choice because it’s local, affordable, flexible, and has all the classes I need to prepare for my career. As an adult student, those four pillars were necessary to take the plunge into returning to school.”

What are your career plans?

“I plan to start a career and transfer to complete my Bachelor's. My dream job is to work in a company that allows me to build and design websites for multiple clients. I love change and the challenge of web development would be perfect for my personality.

Kat is looking forward to working on a variety of websites in her career, and is excited about the possibility of building travel and coffee websites – two of Kat’s favorite things.

“My major has opened me up to so many possibilities. I’m grateful to be earning a degree that is flexible to many opportunities and paths ahead -- success comes in many forms and not always in the way we imagine, and this degree has been proof!”

What do you enjoy about attending college on the Rome Campus?

“I love many things about the Rome Campus! The learning experience is personal on this campus and you’ll get a lot more one-on-one time with your teachers. The Rome Campus gives to its students in so many ways including Java Jive on Wednesdays, free food days, the food pantry and a stunning library."

“It’s also an attractive building to be in. Learning while being surrounded by white-painted cement blocks is a common school experience, but the Rome campus is the exact opposite of that. The colors, the wood accents, and the big windows…it’s so warm and welcoming. That feeling is also reflected by the staff and teachers.”

How is your major preparing for your career?

“My major is helping me build a foundation of abilities and experience that I will need to make my career a reality. Thanks to the teachers at MVCC, I have a pool of resources and advice that I have been able to pull from to determine the courses that will best prepare me for the future. Marketing, coding, and design classes are a perfect combination for my goals, and I have been lucky that each have been included in my studies.”

Would you recommend the Rome Campus to another student?

“I will always recommend a student to attend the MVCC Rome Campus!”

Tom Tranter

Charismatic. Witty. Leader.

Tom will be graduating in May 2020 with a Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies degree.

“I specifically chose the Rome Campus as my college base where I would complete my entire degree because I love the friendly atmosphere here. I can more easily develop personal connections on the Rome Campus because of the smaller class sizes.”

Why did you choose the General Studies major?

“I wanted to study a variety of subjects, which the General Studies major offers. I love learning how the human mind works, and I am especially enjoying my psychology and sociology classes. I also enjoy my history and English classes. The classes in this major are broad, but they introduce me to a world of possibilities.”

What are you learning in your classes?

“I’m learning skills across the spectrum. My math is improving, and I am also learning public speaking techniques in Effective Speech which is an excellent skills-building class for my career. The courses are also helping me develop interpersonal skills.

What is do you enjoy about being a student on the Rome Campus?

“People always ask me why I come to the Rome Campus because I commute from the Town of Ohio. I always tell them it may be a little longer drive than to the Utica Campus, but it’s more worth it. The atmosphere on the Rome Campus is so welcoming.

Matteson Heohn

Softball player. Hardworking. Future lawyer.

Matteson plans to become a business lawyer. She is taking 17 credits this semester and is on target to graduate MVCC’s Accounting degree program in December 2020.

What do you enjoy about the Accounting major?

“Accounting is fun for me because I like learning what the numbers and totals mean and add up to on the spreadsheet. My favorite class was Business Law. I’m really interested in laws and I want to be a lawyer.

“I also like the ease of taking classes at the Rome Campus and online. I like the online format, but I also like learning on the Rome Campus. It’s my study space and I use the library a lot. I like that its updated and modern and everything is close together.”

What are your career plans?

“I plan to become a corporate or real-estate lawyer.”

Matteson started out at MVCC in the General Studies program, but her Business Law class guided her major in a new direction.

“When I came to MVCC, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer and wasn’t sure if it was for me, but the Business Law class confirmed that it was the right decision. I loved learning about the different business laws, and that’s what made me focus on becoming a corporate or real-estate lawyer.

“Professor [Robert] Huyck was influential in my decision to switch to the Accounting program. I asked him for advice for what career I should pursue. We evaluated my interests and he helped me navigate to the Accounting major to prepare for my dream career.”

How is this degree program preparing you for the future?

“MVCC’s Accounting major is giving me the business background I will need to succeed as a corporate or real-estate lawyer. I am learning the essentials of accounting and how to organize the numbers.”

Would you recommend coming here?

“Yes; tuition is inexpensive, and I get more one-on-one time with my professors because the classes are smaller.  My teachers also stand out; they’re great.”

Nathan Swett

Organized. Outgoing. Logical.

Nathan is an Accounting major and plans to transfer to SUNY Poly to continue his education.

“I came to MVCC for an education that would qualify me for a good career; all the knowledge I’m learning here is preparing me for the future.”

Is there a Rome Campus instructor who stands out to you as inspirational?

“Mr. [Robert] Huyck; he goes above and beyond. I was almost not registered for this semester, and he helped me get in and register for my classes and he tells me about extracurricular opportunities at the College.”

Why did you choose MVCC and the Accounting major?

“I decided on MVCC mostly because it was local. I’m taking all my classes on the Rome Campus and plan to complete my degree on this campus.

“When I was considering college, I looked up what I was most interested in doing and Accounting was a good fit. I also liked the flexibility of jobs – like small business, tax service, personal finance, financial aid -- that I could quality for with a background in accounting. Every business needs an accountant.”

How is MVCC preparing you for the future?

“I came to MVCC for an education that would qualify me for a good career; all the knowledge I’m learning here is preparing me for the future. I’m a lot more interested in my education at MVCC than I was in high school. I’m enjoying the program and have made it on MVCC’s President’s List. Now, I’m the type of person that other students come to for help.

“I’ve always liked numbers and math, so I find Accounting and Math classes very interesting. I plan to use my education from MVCC to land a career at a business firm or become an accountant for another type of company. I want to eventually save up enough money to start my own airsoft business.”

Would you recommend MVCC?

“Yes. This is my third semester at the Rome Campus, and everyone seems nice. The environment is good and the campus has a homey feel to it. The professors are always willing to help and there are so many other student services here to help students succeed.”

Nyah Thompson

Resilient. Optimistic. Athletic.

Nyah will be graduating MVCC with a Criminal Justice degree in May 2021.

“I transferred from SUNY Cobleskills to the MVCC Rome Campus because I knew the classes would be smaller and the professors would be more involved with the students. I moved to Rome and restarted my educational journey at MVCC.”

What are your career plans?

“After I graduate, I am going to start working but return to MVCC later and finish my Business Management degree that I started at SUNY Cobleskill. I want to still keep involved in sports, as either a coach or a trainer, but my career will be in the criminal justice field.”

Nyah plans to become both a correction officer and a counselor in a juvenile detention center.

“I feel like I can help other people make wise choices to navigate life. Coming to MVCC helped me solidify my plan for my career.”

What do you think about your classes?

“I love them – every single one. Vito Sparace’s classes are definitely my favorite. I look forward to them because Mr. Sparace creates a positive atmosphere in his classes and he’s always happy and ready to teach. He teaches each of my criminal justice classes, and it’s great to have the same professor in multiple courses. Mr. Sparace is very influential and very knowledgeable. The most valuable part about Mr. Sparace’s teaching is his extensive experience in the criminal justice field as a police officer and a detective. He relates discussions to real-life situations that he’s been in, which facilitates my understanding of the material.”

What career skills are you learning here?

“So far, my classes are an introduction to the skills and knowledge I will need in the criminal justice field, but I am also learning patience, time management, and communication skills. As a future juvenile counselor, developing communication skills is especially important to learn how to effectively interact with people.”

Would you recommend the MVCC Rome Campus to another student?

“Absolutely. The staff on the Rome Campus make themselves available to the students and it’s clear that they care about student success. I’m more focused with a smaller class size. The atmosphere is always calm; conflict and problems somehow seem to be virtually nonexistent here.  I’m taking all my classes in Rome and I plan to finish my entire degree on the Rome Campus.”

David Ingro

Future pastry chef. Enlightened. Overcomer.

When David graduates in May 2021, he will have an Associate’s in Culinary Arts Management: Baking and Pastry Arts and another in Food Service Administration: Restaurant Management.

“I’ve wanted a baking career for the past 20 years, but I didn’t know you could learn it in school. When I was fighting a medical issue, I realized it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.”

As a returning adult, why did you choose to start college?

“I worked at Dunkin’ and I enjoyed talking to the bakers, which got me interested in studying culinary arts. That’s why I returned to college in 2018 to get my education. At the time, I was dealing with side effects from a medical issue, but I jumped right into school and now am just one year from graduating with two culinary degrees.”

What are your career goals?

“My passion is to be a pastry chef; I am going to work in a management position at a five-star restaurant. I’ve always wanted to work at tourist attractions in events, hotels and restaurants. I decided that my dream job would be bringing joy through food.

“I want to become a certified pastry chef by the American Culinary Federation and finish my Bachelor’s in Culinary Arts. Then, I want to run a bakery and become a pastry chef. Eventually, I will realize my dream of working in tourist attractions.”

How are MVCC’s culinary programs preparing you for the future?

“It’s like Mr. [Andrew] Glidden said – we’re here to learn how to think and look at things from a different perspective. I really enjoy the hands-on experience I get in the lab. The courses are taught from a management position; you learn how to run your own restaurant or bakery. The professors teach you everything from the foundations up and I was surprised by how much I learned. So really, the sky’s the limit with MVCC’s programs.”

What do you most enjoy about the Rome Campus?

“The thing that stands out the most is kindness; everyone I’ve interacted with seems kind and friendly. I prefer attending classes on the Rome Campus. I have a better opportunity to get to know my classmates and others, and my classes are close together. We are a tight-knit group in our classes, and we all follow the same career path, which helps us build a sense of community and belonging.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Culinary Arts programs?

“Yes. It’s fun. It’s something to be excited about and grateful for. Sometimes the work is challenging; but I enjoy baking here. I don’t think people realize you can make a lot of money as a pastry chef. You will walk away from this program with a lot of knowledge to prepare you for your career and with the confidence to achieve your dreams.”

Robert Fenchel

Meticulous. Planner. Intellectual.

Robert completed his certificate in Airframe & Powerplant at MVCC, and now he will soon graduate (May 2020) from the Mechanical Technology: Aircraft Maintenance degree.

“I’ve met students from other colleges who didn’t have half the technology and equipment MVCC’s A&P program has but they paid more for their education, which made me realize how lucky I was to choose MVCC.”

What do you like about the Rome Campus?

“The support on the Rome Campus is great; people just take care of you here and you can see your adviser when you want. A lot of the professors here are alumni and they want to give back to the MVCC community, which says a lot about it in itself. I also like the Rome Campus because it’s more relaxed and has a newer building with really nice classrooms.”

What is your favorite part about the Aircraft Maintenance degree?

“My favorite part is the hands-on learning; you get a lot of lab time in this program. I was able to complete the certificate program and then transfer all my credits over to the Associate’s degree. Now, I am taking 13 general education credits to finish up the degree, and in just two years at MVCC, I will have both a certificate and an Associate’s degree.

“All the professors have been really good. Tom Jennings is an outstanding professor, and everyone loves him as a teacher. The gen ed professors also definitely make the classes enjoyable, and I look forward to coming here.”

How is the program preparing you for the future?

“I already have a job at Signature Technic Air, but this degree will make me more eligible for management opportunities. I already learned a lot of skills that I can translate to the workforce. At work, I would not be able to figure out the tasks I would need to complete without the training this program provides, which is a mix of theory and lab work.”

Would you recommend the Mechanical Technology: Aircraft Maintenance?

“Yes. I like the small student-to-professor ratio. The professors are really good and take an interest in your education and they are there for you if you have any questions. We have good equipment over there, including the Boeing 727, and I know that a lot of schools don’t even have the smaller planes. Plus, the tuition is low here.”

Jax Hardy

Passionate. Empathetic. Inventive.

Jax is a baking enthusiast who plans to graduate MVCC’s Culinary Arts Management: Baking and Pastry Arts degree in May 2021.

“I was expecting to come to MVCC and just get my education and be done. I didn’t expect to make new friends along the way!”

What’s your favorite part about the Culinary Arts program?

“I like that we get to choose what side dishes we want to make; the teachers will let us decide. My favorite food to make is pastries, and I also love decorating what I make.

“I also enjoy attending class on the Rome Campus. Here, people are more willing to talk to you and get to know each other.”

How is this program preparing you for the future?

“I am learning how to work with other people. I believe this is a good career skill to learn, especially since I am learning how to collaborate with other students who have different jobs in the baking lab or kitchen. I’m developing teamwork skills here.”

What are your career plans?

“Before attending MVCC, I wanted to have a bakery. But now, I want to have a café. I love cooking and baking at home a lot and I like to bake with other people. I discovered that at MVCC.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Culinary Arts Management: Baking and Pastry Arts program?

“Yes. I wasn’t expecting the teachers to be as friendly as they are, but they are more one-and-one with you and treat us as individuals rather than a class. I also wasn’t expecting to make new friends at MVCC, but I did. I think it’s nice we have the opportunity to have a relationship with the teachers and students. It’s not just a lecture or a lab, it’s more than that.”

Brice Eastman

Entrepreneur. Ambitious. Considerate.

Brice Eastman, of Ava, N.Y. will be graduating MVCC in the spring of 2021 with a Culinary Arts Management program with a Baking emphasis.

“I love making bread, but my favorite things that I’ve made in MVCC’s Culinary Arts program are my new friends.”

What do you want to do when you graduate?

“I want to eventually own my own bakery.”

How is MVCC’s program preparing you for that goal?

“The work is showing me a lot of what I need to work on, such as technique and preparedness. It’s giving me a taste of what it is like in the industry. I also work in the campus kitchens as a lab assistant, which gives me more experience for my future career.”

What is the best part about the program?

“I like the teachers. They teach in a hands-on way that is easy to learn from. I also enjoy my classmates, and I’ve made some great friends here.”

Would you recommend MVCC’s Culinary Arts program?

“I would definitely recommend the program. It has a nice set-up for learning and the campus has free tutoring, library services, and all sorts of different services to help students learn and complete their degree programs on schedule.”

Kaitlin Przybyla

Honest. Creator. Enthusiastic.

Kaitlin is graduating in the spring of ’21 with an Associate’s in Culinary Arts Management: Baking and Pastry Arts.

“Originally, I was going to go to college in Rhode Island, but I made the best choice of my life coming to MVCC.”

Why did you choose to come to MVCC?

“MVCC was close to home and by coming here I was able to keep connecting with my friends and make new ones. If I had stayed with my original plan to attend Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island, I wouldn’t have become as close to my professors as I am here.”

What career skills are you learning in the Culinary Arts program?

“I’m learning how to be a leader. I’m learning how to be in control of the kitchen by watching my professors. For the longest time, I wanted to be a chef. Now, I want to focus on baking, but before coming to MVCC I didn’t recognize my baking talent. I did have a lot of creativity in the culinary field, but Mr. Glidden recognized my talent and he helped me zero in on baking for my career.  One of the things I experienced here that surprised me is how many ways you can make the same food!”

Would you recommend attending culinary school at MVCC?

“Definitely. If the professors can tell that you’re really interested in the program, they’ll help you prepare for your career as much as they can. Plus, in this program you’re learning new skills and knowledge that will be useful in the future.”